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Diary Discussion The Phantasy Zone / Diary Discussion /  

Happy New Year (2024)

Author jinx

#1 | Posted: 1 Jan 2024 11:06 
Click here to see the associated blog post

Happy New Year!

This is the first post on the BBS forums. I'm not sure if I'm entirely happy with the layout of these forums yet (or with the layout of the diary page for that matter). However, I'm happy it is all (kinda) working. My biggest issue at the moment is that the page seems to be too large (data) for some Dreamcast browsers. For example, Dream Passport 3 based browsers have issues loading the Puyo Puyo SUN video due to memory constraints. Sometimes it works fine, but most of the time the video doesn't completely download and breaks when you try to play it.

I'll do my best to keep improving the site throughout this year.
I hope everyone has a wonderful new year <3

Author Shiva
#2 | Posted: 2 Jan 2024 11:42 

Author ahorriblesheep

#3 | Posted: 5 Jan 2024 02:42 

Author Blst

#4 | Posted: 5 Jan 2024 12:27 
がんばれ~ <3

Author Foxxy
#5 | Posted: 20 Jan 2024 22:44 
This is a cool idea from a cool cat. Happy year of the GAO! — from my 3DSXL

Diary Discussion The Phantasy Zone / Diary Discussion /
 Happy New Year (2024)

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